Twitter App

Speak your word! Twitter is your social media news app and your source to find out what’s going on in the world. Everything from breaking news in the world to news in Turkey, from weather and entertainment to football super league and basketball, from economy and politics to funny stories that have gone viral, hits the Twitter agenda as soon as it happens. Find your friends or follow influential people: every voice can resonate all over the world!

Twitter is a social network where you can express your ideas. You can share these ideas with your followers and follow influencers, politicians, celebrities and important people.

Get to know Twitter Spaces: Spaces is the new way to have live voice conversations on Twitter. You can think of it like a social media platform with voice chat, where users can host live discussions and everyone can connect. Your living space is waiting for you.

Chat privately or start a group conversation with anyone who looks up and follows you. Leave comments on social media posts of your friends and other Twitter followers. Follow hundreds of Twitter users who will interest you with your favorite Turkish and world celebrities and read their content at a glance. Engage your social network with trending stories, jokes, GIFs, photos and videos. Share the latest news, fashion trends and gossip about the celebrities you love. Discover which of your Tweets have been liked or Retweeted.

Open Your Free Twitter Account Now!

With Twitter, you can find interesting people or get people interested in you to follow you. Building a social network has never been easier! Today’s celebrities in television, movies, politics and sports can establish a personal connection with their fans on Twitter. That’s why Twitter has become one of the most used social media platforms in the world.

Create an Engaging Profile

Customize your profile and add photos, descriptions, location and resume information
Tweet often and be mindful of your posting times
• Post visual content
Use hashtags in your tweets
• Attract non-Twitter users to your profile

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About the Author: hdcraft

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